LLP "AOC Trade Group" the holder of the right of subsoil use according to Supplement No. 11 dated 25 may 2018 registration No. 4607 to the Contract №173 dated 18.02.1998 year for exploration and production of hydrocarbons on the square “Sarkramabas", the territory of the Mugodzhar district of Aktobe region.
The Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan accepted the decision on prolongation of the exploration period for 2 years with 19.02.2018 year to 19.02.2020 year, according to letter No. 10-03/34344 from 22.02.2018 G.
«AOC Trade Group» LLP is not a consortium or association and in its activities is aimed exclusively at the production and sale of hydrocarbon materials from the Sarkramabas field.
100% of the share in “AOC Trade Group” LLP belongs to the sole participant a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhalimbetov Zhanat ITN760606300180
Administrative area “Sarkramabas" is in the range of Mugalzhar district of Aktobe region. The location of the area relative to major transport routes and infrastructure in Aktobe region is shown in the overview map (fig.1). Square “Sarkramabas" located in 205 km to the South from Aktobe, 65 km South-West from the train station, Emba. The contract area includes the following residential areas: the village of Saga and the field camp of Zhanazhol. To the East of the district is the railroad Aktobe - Tashkent, to the West railway Aktobe - Atyrau.
In 2019, the field Sarkramabas conducted rapid assessment of oil reserves and dissolved gas in oil of the main productive horizons of KT-II With the state of knowledge on 10.10.2019, approved by the State Commission on Reserves of Protocol № 2167-20- П from 21.04.2020